Debugging the STM32F4 using openocd, gdb and Eclipse


This article will describe how to debug the STM32F4 microcontroller using the zylin eclipse plugin. The following setup will be used:

  • STM32F4 discovery board
  • The built-in SWD programmer/debugger on the discovery board
  • Toolchain and example program from this tutorial (I have updated the build script for debugging to work, so if you have followed the tutorial before you may have to download and run the summon-arm script again)

The result will look something like this:


You can:

  • Set hardware breakpoints
  • See variable values when hitting the breakpoints
  • Change variables, then continue
  • Many other things…

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USB-Serial on STM32F4


Based on this, I have written a small program for the STM32F4 Discovery that uses the USB-CDC class to show up as an virtual serial port. I’m using the USB stack provided by ST, however, there is also another project that uses libopencm3 that can be found here. I have routed the write system call to use this port, so the stdio printf function will print directly to this serial port.

How to use it

If you don’t have the necessary toolchain to build and upload programs to the STM32F4, you can have a look at this post. Otherwise, the following steps should be sufficient:

  1. Download the source code complete with all libraries and makefiles here.
  2. Unpack the program and run make from its root directory. The binary file that can be uploaded should appear in the build directory.
  3. Upload the program to the STM32F4 discovery (again, this post explains how) and plug in a micro-USB cable to the port next to the audio jack.
  4. The serial port should show up as /dev/ttyACM0 on most GNU/Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu.
  5. Start a serial port terminal, such as gtkterm (sudo apt-get install gtkterm on Debian/Ubuntu), and open ttyACM0. The baudrate does not matter as it currently is ignored by the program (see usbd_cdc_vcp.c).

The current program runs some floating point operations and prints the elapsed time on the USB-CDC serial port. The float parameters in the makefile can be changed to see how the FPU affects the speed (and there is a lot of difference). Remember to run clean after changing the float parameters, as the object files are not compatible between hardfloat and softfloat builds.

Play MP3 on the STM32F4 Discovery

Update: I also have a project that plays mp3 from an USB memory stick with a fat32 file system here.


I have written a simple program for the STM32F4 Discovery board that plays a short mp3 file from flash memory. For the decoding, the fixed point version of the Helix mp3 decoder is used. The audio output driver is the one used for the Peridiummmm demo, modified to use the peripheral library provided by ST.

The audio driver has two DMA buffers and a callback function that asks a user-provided function to fill one buffer with audio data when it runs out, while the other DMA buffer is streamed to the audio CODEC. This user function decodes one MP3 frame and forwards the raw audio samples to the audio driver. As this is interrupt driven, the main function can still be used for other things.

How to build and use it

If you don’t have the necessary toolchain to build and upload programs to the STM32F4, you can have a look at this post. Otherwise, the following steps should be enough to test it:

  1. Download the complete source code and makefiles here.
  2. Unpack the program and run make from its root directory. The binary file that can be uploaded should appear in the build directory.
  3. Upload the program to the STM32F4 discovery (again, this post explains how) and plug in headphones or speakers to the audio jack.
  4. You should hear some music! You can change the volume between two discrete steps by pressing the user button on the discovery board.

That’s it! It should be quite easy to modify the code to play mp3s from, for instance, an external SD card.

Use your own MP3 file

The the mp3_data[] in src/mp3_data.c is just the raw data of a normal mp3 file. I used this perl script to convert the mp3 file to a c array. After you unzip the perl script, you can use it like this:

chmod +x bin2hex
./bin2hex MP3FILE.mp3 1 > mp3_data.c

Where MP3FILE.mp3 should be replaced with the mp3 file you want to convert.

Remember that the mp3 file has to be small enough to fit on flash memory of the STM32F4. You can use Audacity to trim/re-encode mp3 files. You should also clear the ID3 tag if possible, as this saves space. As it is now, stereo files with 44.1 KHz sample rate (and any bitrate, even VBR) can be played. When the number of channels or the sample rate differs, the playback speed will become incorrect. This can of course be fixed easily, but I wanted to keep this example as simple as possible.

On Ubuntu, you can install audacity with:

sudo apt-get install audacity

Get started with the STM32F4 on Ubuntu Linux

Updated 2014-04-03


This tutorial describes how to set up a complete and free toolchain for STM32F4xx microcontrollers, including how to use hardware floating point support. It is mostly aimed towards beginners with ARM microcontrollers, however, experienced developers could probably find something useful here as well. It is assumed that the reader is a bit familiar with the C programming language and the Bash terminal.

At the end of this tutorial, the reader should be able to build and upload programs to the STM32F4** using the STLinkV2 interface (such as the one found on the STM32F4 Discovery board). This is done using Ubuntu Linux in this tutorial, however, the instructions should be general enough to make this work on any Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution.

The following hardware/software will be used:

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